Enrollment Closed: Class Now Full

Your Best Month Ever

With Paul Gough

“Ready To Experience The ‘Thrill’ Of Achieving Your Best MONTH Ever…

… Over & Over Again…

…Setting Yourself Up For Your Best YEAR Ever And Building Your Million Dollar “Dream” Practice?”

It’s 100% possible, and as you read this letter, you’ll discover that others just like you are already DOING IT. You’ll also discover HOW they did it with an invitation to do the same…

*10 People Max. Class Now Full

From The Desk of Paul Gough,
Orlando, FL.

Dear Physical Therapist,

It’s now obvious for everyone to see that the OLD ways for growing a Physical Therapy business are officially “dead”.

Chasing doctors for referrals, relying upon word of mouth, and waiting for insurance companies to lower reimbursements or deny every claim might be common – but there’s absolutely NO SENSE in doing any of it. It simply does not work.

What is also obvious is that PT owners are dividing into two distinct groups:

  1. The first group – those who are mastering Online Marketing, lead conversion and focusing on selling cash pay products and services – are turning their PT businesses into unstoppable new-patient-generating profit machines.
  2. The second group – those overwhelmed by this rapidly changing entrepreneurial landscape – are falling behind, losing the AI and Online Marketing race to their competitors, stuck thinking that “no one in their town will pay CASH for PT”, saddled with insurance company headaches, believing that there’s no other way but to accept denials and the constant lowering of rates.

The harsh reality is that the group you choose to be in will determine not only the future of your physical therapy practice, but also your financial future.

“In 2025, What Choice Do You Have?”

So, what specific choices do you have? Well…

You have a choice of following the old, out-dated methods for growing a “traditional” practice that clearly don’t work…

You have a choice of whether you will let doctors in your town tell you that “cash pay won’t work here” (…even though others are already DOING it!)

You have a choice over how much you charge, and how FULL YOUR SCHEDULE is, and what other products or services you will offer.

You also have a choice over the type of patient you attract, choosing to work only with ones who VALUE you and your skills, or accepting uncompliant time wasters, always telling you they can’t afford you or want to use insurance.

These are just some of the choices available to you in 2025.

But that choice starts with you – the leader of your practice – making the mastery of marketing, and the profit boosting strategies now available to you as a practice owner, an absolute priority.

Success in this new entrepreneurial world will belong to the physical therapists who act swiftly, decisively, and are armed with the right knowledge of how success REALLY WORKS and how MONEY IS REALLY MADE in a cash pay practice.

In 2025, it’s NOT OK to say that online or direct marketing “won’t work in healthcare…”

…It’s NOT OK to say that “patients will only ask their doctor for a PT referral”…

…It’s NOT OK to say that “people only want to use their insurance”…

And it’s NOT OK to say that you’re waiting for referrals from past patients or prefer to rely upon word of mouth!

You are in a completely new ERA and all of those things are what the poorest of the poor clinic owners are doing to make less money than most of the STAFF PT in a crappy mill-like hospital PT system!!!!


If you prefer, you can carry on with the belief that the old model will work for you – and slug-it-out to the death with the others getting left behind, struggling along with below average profit margins, many drowning in DEBT.

Or you can look to the future and embrace all of the opportunities that are entering the physical therapy profession on a daily basis.

Success in 2025 belongs to the physical therapists who are marketing their services consistently, attracting the right type of patients who are happy to pay the right prices, and as a result of that are able to make EXTRAORDINARY income levels in a profession where so many OWNERS struggle to make more than $35K per year.

Which begs the question:

“Surely you didn’t go to PT school and get into all of that DEBT to come out and ONLY make $35K PER YEAR?”

…because that is the typical take home pay of 90% of the physical therapists in private practice.

That is just $3K per month.

That amount is a “pittance” when you factor in how many years you’ve studied, the skill level you have reached, the DEBT you’re in, not to mention the risks you’ve taken to start the business in the first place.

It’s common, but it doesn’t have to be YOUR reality and here’s some of the reasons MANY GREAT PTs do not EVER make the money they dream of:

  1. Nearly all great clinicians (physical therapists) are absent of great MARKETING SKILLS (choosing to rely on reputation or word of mouth)…
  2. They are absent of an ability to appropriately PRICE their services (choosing instead the AVERAGE of other clinics in town – in-turn labelling themselves “average”)…
  3. No-one has shown them how to sell cash pay ancillary products and wellness services, to rapidly grow profits (…forgetting that patients want and need more than just PT)
  4. No-one has shown them how to convert leads to patients on the phone (…they assume that everyone who says “no” to their cash price is a “bad lead”)
  5. No-one has ever explained to them how to use social media and online marketing EFFECTIVELY to ensure that patients make inquires 24/7…
  6. And no-one has ever shown them how to keep people on schedule (…ensuring that their schedule is BOOKED SOLID for months)

The list is endless – and explains why there’s so many who are struggling.

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

“It Can Be So Much Different...”

When all is said and done – if your goal is to make more money this month, and the month after, so that you can make more money this YEAR, then your TASK is simple:

  1. Get more people to call
  2. Get more people to say yes
  3. And then get more of them spending more money with you

Those are the only three ways to grow your income and when you know how, it’s very likely your best month ever, and your best year ever, will become YOUR reality.

Ready to make it happen?…

Your Best Month Ever - What Does It Look Like?”

Before I tell you more about how I can help you achieve your best year ever, first let me ask you a quick question:

“What would your BEST MONTH EVER look like?…”

If you could pick exactly how the next month would look like, so you could really say it was your BEST MONTH EVER, what would it look like?…

Would it be more money or more free time?…

Maybe it’s going from $3K cash – to $10K in take-home pay…

Maybe it’s making more money – AND having more time off?

Maybe it’s getting more patients to say yes than ever before meaning you have more impact?

Maybe it’s a record amount of CASH PAY revenue so that you can find more PROFIT and spend it on doing things you love with people you love?…

Whatever it means to you, having your BEST MONTH EVER is important because:

  1. It gives you a sense of significance and dignity – there’s nothing better than being able to shout proudly that you achieved your “BEST MONTH EVER”. It makes you feel amazing and a reminder that your hard work and risk is paying off…
  2. It reminds you that you ARE a successful person – in the game of business, it’s so easy to get LOST in the things that don’t go well or not as you expected. Focusing on a SIGNIFICANT goal – like your Best Month Ever – reminds you that you are a success!
  3. It is the launch pad for your Best YEAR Ever – when you achieve your “Best Month Ever,” it is something that you can build upon and repeat again, and again… and again… and will probably result in you having your Best YEAR Ever, with you making more money in the next 12 months that you did all of last year.

Plus, it’s a very REALISTIC and ACHIEVEABLE target that you and I can aim for when we work together to help you achieve the practice you dream of, and finally make the type of money you deserve.

And we can get to work on that right now:


The 90 Day LIVE Marketing Coaching And Implementation Program For Physical Therapy Practice Owners

- With Paul Gough

This is the Marketing program that you’ve been waiting for… It’s the missing link between what you make now… the most you’ve ever earned… making a LOT more…and being proud of the progress you’re making. You and I are going to work together for 90 days – and by the end of it you will know what all of the other 7-Figure Cash Pay Clinic Owners I’ve coached are doing to make the type of money that most clinic owners can only dream of.

“Wherever You Are Starting From, You’re Just 30 Days Away from Your Best Month Ever…”

Now that you’re interested, let me tell you:

How The Program Works:

You and I, and a small group of other clinic owners (max 20), are going to work together for 12 weeks.

There’s going to be LIVE coaching from me and my team, and in between, we’ll be on hand to provide you with all of the support you need to ensure you hit your BEST MONTH EVER during the 90 days of the program.

We will provide you with all of the coaching, accountability, training and materials (scripts, templates, frameworks, process documents etc,) to ensure you have at least ONE record month during the 90 days of the program. Many will have two or even three (record months)! You, perhaps?

The Big Promise is This:

That before the 90 days are over, you will have achieved a record-breaking month and be in a position to beat it, month after month.

At the start of the program, we’ll find out what your current best month looks like, then set a goal for what your BEST MONTH ever looks like, and work with you to ensure you hit it!

What We Cover:

Throughout the program we will cover the 10 Essential Elements of making REAL money from your PT practice.

I call them PROFIT CENTERS – and whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years and starting to market directly to attract more CASH pay, if you want to make more money and feel better about the progress of your business, this is for you.

After 17 years of running my own clinic, nearly ten years working 1-1 with clinic owners, hosting 50+ of seminars attended by 1000+ clinic owners from across the world… with 1000’s of students in my coaching programs and with millions spent on ads in my marketing agency…

…I’ve been able to narrow EVERYTHING down to what will make the biggest difference to you achieving your best month ever.

Here they are:

The Curriculum:

10 “Profit Centers” We’ll Cover In The LIVE Weekly Training

Before Class Even Begins:

My Experience is that there are TEN things that that make the difference to filling up your schedule and the PROFIT in your bank at the end of the month.

There may be 10, but chances are just ONE of them will catapult you into your best MONTH EVER.

It means as you look at the LIVE modules you can get excited about the fact that there may be many things you are already doing well, but we’re guaranteed to cover one that you’re NOT (doing well!) and when we remove that obstacle to growth your profits are going to SOAR! J

And it could happen as early as NEXT month.

The curriculum is designed for MAXIUMUM impact knowing that the first three are likely to be your biggest areas for rapid and maximum profit.

Here’s the PROFIT CENTERS we’re going to implement in your practice in the next 90 days:

Module 1:
How To Keep Your Schedule FULL
(Feb 11th, 1pm EST)

Module 2:
Pricing For Profits: Your PRICING Breakthrough
(Feb 18th, 1pm EST)

Module 3:
Getting To YES Fast: Handling “Cash Pay” Objections
(Feb 25th, 1pm EST)

Module 4:
Free Leads (“Golden Tickets” Given Out!)
(March 4th, 1pm EST)

Module 5:
Your Social Media Breakthrough (Plus 30 Day Content Pack)
(March 11, 1pm EST)

Module 6:
24/7 Leads: Facebook & Instagram Success
(March 18, 1pm EST) *with Sarah.

Module 7:
The Most Profitable CASH PAY & WELLNESS Products Ever (Plus, Panel of Trusted Providers)
(March 25th, 1pm EST)

Module 8:
Your Google & Online Breakthrough (Plus Google Ads Audit)
(April 1, 1pm EST)

Module 9:
Make “Big Bucks” from Small Group Events
(April 8th)

Module 10:
The Secrets of The $1m + Cash Practice Owners
(April 15th)

Each module will last approx. 90 minutes, there’ll be time for LIVE Q/A, you will receive handouts and templates when relevant, and all of the recordings will be available to you for LIFE, stored inside of a member’s area that is easy to use and access.

As you can see, this is a program like no other… it’s EVERYHTING I know about what you need to make more money and grow your business – in as fast as 30 days!!

How To Get Started?...

This is for Physical Therapy business owners serious about achieving a 50% to 250% increase in profits across the course of the next 12 months.

The full price of this program is $5000. That is because $5K is the typical MONTHLY profit INCREASE that our clients experience with this program.

But, we know that majority of the people who need this program – and want that additional $5K per month – don’t necessarily have it going spare!

Because we know that those who will benefit most from the program may not be in a position to spend $5K right now we’re making the program available for LESS than the $5000 it could be sold at.

We’re making the COMPLETE version of the Program available to you TODAY, for a limited time, for just $2750.

Or, if cash flow is tight, choose from one of the two different payment plan options: 6 x $550 or 3 x $997.

When you factor in that my consulting days START at $10,000 per day, my top Mastermind Program is a $30,000 investment (and dozens pay it every year, and there’s a wait list to get in), not to mention that tickets for my two-day in-person events at my office start at $2000, this represents terrific value for you to work with me.

What is more, there’s even an “ESSENTIALS” version of the program for those who simply wanted to get started, get to PROFITABILITY as fast as possible, and then consider what their DREAM practice looks like later. This version is distinctly similar in terms of the coaching, the support and the training materials you get, however, it is different in that it DOES NOT allow you a ticket to the 2-Day Mastermind at my office, and there is a cap to the 1-1 support you receive through the program. Essentials is available for just 1 x $1850.

Or, if cash flow is tight, or what you might call “nonexistent”, choose from one of the two different payment plan options: 3 x $695 or 6 x $385

This makes the program available to everyone reading this page.

We know you are likely to be early in business, we know that insurance companies are withholding your money causing cash flows, and we know that you are NOT priced appropriately and that it causing your money problems.

A reminder: this is why you NEED to take the class starting TODAY!

If you look at the price and feel like leaving this page without enrolling … it’s a good indicator that you NEED to do the program. If not, you will never be in a profitable business.

The entire program has been designed to get you from paying personal bills with a line of credit on the business, constantly working to paying business bills… to FINALLY making a PROFIT and having some REAL MONEY in your bank at the end of the month.

Something to consider: Each month that goes by you’re losing a LOT more than this program costs to be part of.

Make the decision to do it NOW, and in 30 days from now, you will be able to see and FEEL the difference where it matters – your business CHECKING account with the $$$ you can see in it!

Option 1: VIP Complete

If you’re determined to make this year the year you make your DREAM practice a reality, this is for you. You get to experience the coaching program AND work closely with Paul at the 2-day “Best Year Ever” Mastermind at his office on Orlando. When deciding, keep in mind that Paul’s consulting days START at $10K per day, and a typical ticket to his small group Mastermind meetings cost $2K.
This is a great opportunity for those who are more aspirational and committed to BIG growth this year. It includes EVERYHTING you’ve read about on this page including:

  • Lifetime access to the 10 “Profit Centre” coaching calls and the supporting resources, scripts, processes and scripts
  • 2-Day “Best Month Ever” Mastermind at Paul’s HQ in Orlando (available 4 times per year) to work closely with Paul on YOUR business growth plan…
  • “White Glove Service” – Get up to 10 “1-on-1” personal coaching calls and personal implementation support with Paul’s senior Marketing coach (in-between the modules)
  • Upgraded “SWAG” to proudly wear at your office when you achieve your BEST MONTH EVER…
  • Rejoin the LIVE event coaching as many times as you like, for FREE.
  • Free UPGRADES to all modules: anytime there’s a change to one of the modules, you will be given access to it instantly…

The Investment:
1 x $2750,
Or choose the payment plan option:
3 x $997, or 6 x $550

Option 2: Essentials

If you’re just getting started, are suffering from SEVERE cash flow problems and your primary goal of this year is to make it to PROFIT at the end of the month, choose this option. Let’s get you to PROFIT first, THEN we can talk about your Dream Practice and your Best Year Ever.
This is a great option for you if money is tight but you want to make this practice of yours finally WORK. You get to experience the magic of the coaching program AND still get (4) 1-1 calls with my senior marketing coaching to make sure you implement.
This is a great start for you if you’re currently operating a business that does nothing but pay bills and money is CONSTANTLY tight.

It includes EVERYTHING you’ve read about on this page including:

  • Lifetime access to the 10 “Profit Centre” coaching calls and the supporting resources, scripts, processes and scripts
  • All of the additional FREE bonus’s listed on this page (2 x PPM LIVE tickets, 12 Week Guest in Paul’s Mastermind Program and monthly Marketing Newsletter)…
  • Get 4 x “1-on-1” personal coaching calls and implementation support with Paul’s senior Marketing coach (in-between modules to ensure you implement)
  • Free UPGRADES to all modules: anytime there’s a change to one of the modules, you will be given access to it instantly…
  • Chance to upgrade to “VIP Complete” at any time during the 90 days program for $1250.

The Investment:
1 x $1850,
Or choose the payment plan option:
3 x $695, or 6 x $385

“But This Isn’t JUST About Achieving Your Best Month Ever…

So what happens when you accept the challenge and achieve your Best Month Ever?…

First, we’ll celebrate with you. That is important. It’s a major milestone.

Going from $1K to $5K in 30 days…

Or, from $3K to $10K in 30 days…

Or, from $20K to $30K in 30 days…

(Maybe even $30K to $50K in 30 days…)

Or, getting your first ever cash pay patients on schedule…

…is NOT to be overlooked!

It’s a major milestone for you, and we’re going to do it in a way that it’s PREDICTABLE and REPEATABLE meaning that the changes we make will take effect each and every month from here on it.

It means you’ll be looking at not just having your BEST MONTH EVER, but perhaps your best YEAR ever as well.

It is an amazing achievement in-and-of itself but that’s not all…

Because this is a “challenge” of sorts, it means we’re looking for WINNERS… we’re looking for IMPLEMENTORS… we’re looking for ACHIEVERS… and DOERS…

…and when you do WIN, when you IMPLEMENT, when you ACHIEVE and you DO what we teach…

You’ll Be Invited To:

The “Best YEAR Ever” 2-Day In Person Mastermind Event

…And Together We Will Work On Building Your Million $$$ Dream Practice!

When you DO hit your Best MONTH EVER, then you’ll have WON the opportunity to work with me in person, at my office in Orlando, where we will work together on building your Dream Business at the “Your Best Year Ever” 2-Day Mastermind (April 30th/May1st )

It’s here, at my beautiful new office in Orlando, that you and I, and the other achievers in the program, will work on building your Million Dollar Dream Practice.

Achieving your best MONTH ever gives you a ticket to the “WINNERS TABLE” and we’ll work together, in person, implementing the things your business needs to get to $1M and beyond.

And this is NOT a pipedream…

I’ve done this before – I’ve been the Marketing coach behind some of the professions most successful “from scratch” Million $$$ Cash practices – and for many it happened in just a few short years. Including the NINE cash PT owners in the picture below, sat at the WINNERS table at my office in Orlando…

“These 9 “Ordinary” Physical Therapists Are Generating An EXTRAORINARY $14M in Annual CASH PAY Revenue Between Them…”

When you look at the below picture, what do you see?…

You’re looking at 9 “ordinary” PT’s who are doing EXTRAORDINARY things.

You’re looking at 9 once self-professed marketing “dummies” who are now marketing masters.

You’re looking at a group of practice owners who joined my Mastermind Program in 2020 – having just launched their practice – and in less than five years that same group of clinic owners are collectively making almost $14MILLION in CASH PAY revenue between them.

(For context, when they STARTED with me, the collective figure was LESS than $3M).

Every single one of those practice owners is NOW making over $1M in revenue, and the “average” annual CASH PAY revenue is $1.6M of each business owner.

The “average” PROFIT margin is 14.9%.

It means when you add in their SALARY, the average take home pay of those 9 clinic owners sat at the “WINNERS TABLE” is over $250K.

These owners already built their DREAM CASH PRACTICE around my table, including:

“From FRUSTRATION... To $1.6M Cash Pay Clinic Owner”

Allison Feldt – a PELVIC FLOOR PT clinic owner from Washington. She called me 6 weeks after the birth of her second child. She told me she wanted to grow a REALLY BIG business, make LOTS of money, and STILL have time for her kids. Fast forward to today, Alison’s clinic is making $1.6M in CASH PAY revenue, she has multiple staff, and now has more than enough time for her 3 children. Her business in the last three years alone grew from: $750K, to $1.1, to $1.6M. WOW!

In fact, here’s what Allison had to say about me in a recent post ONLINE to 100’s of other PT’s – you will see she shares the exact same story of how she got started with me and how it changed her life…

"From DOUBT, FEAR, AND WORRY... To $1.5M Cash Pay Clinic”

Kevin Vandi – is a clinic owner from San Jose, California. I took a phone call from Kevin a few years back and he told me that his clinic had hit a “plateau”. He was barely breaking even and with the rent and the costs associated with operating in California, he was struggling to get his clinic to generate the type of PROFIT he wanted to produce a great life for his five kids.

Fast forward to today, and Kevin is the proud owner of a CASH PAY clinic with multiple locations, and multiple staff, that makes over $1.5M in revenue. He doesn’t treat patients. He chooses instead to RUN THE BUSINESS, not to mention spend time with his 5 beautiful kids.

“From Fear And Worry... To $1.2M Cash Pay Clinic”

Carrie Jose called me in 2019. She had just made the move from Washington DC to a small town in New Hampshire called Portsmouth. She arrived in Portsmouth to be told by the locals that “cash PT won’t work in this town”. She’d left DC where cash pay was more common, and worried she wasn’t going to make any money.

Fast forward to today, her CASH PAY clinic is making $1.2M in revenue, she has PURCHASED her own clinic premises, and she’s got 3 FULL TIME PTs treating ALL the “happy to be paying cash” patients for her.

“From “Big Idea"... To 100% Reality And $1.6M Cash Pay Clinic”

Chris Garcia is a PT from San Diego. I first met Chris in 2017 when I spoke at a conference in the City. Chris was a “staff PT” at the time and he asked me if I was free for dinner while I was in town. At dinner, Chris told me of his AMBITION to grow a very big and profitable cash PT business in the sports performance niche. Two years later Chris got back in touch and asked for my help with marketing that Sports Performance clinic.

Fast forward to today, Chris has a business making $1.6M in revenue, with TWO locations, and he’s got 5 FULL TIME PT’s treating all the patients for him. Way to go Chris!

“From Half Full Schedule... To $2.1M Clinic”

Jason Han is a PT from Pasadena, LA. Jason called me when he had a schedule that was “half full.” He told me his wife was pregnant and that he needed to find a way to make the clinic PROFITABLE, and FAST. He told me he wanted to grow that practice so that he could also employ his wife in that business, allowing her to quit her job working at another clinic in town.

Fast forward to today, as that picture is taken, Jason is the owner of a clinic making $2.1M in CASH PAY revenue, with 6 staff PT, and has a thriving wellness and ancillary services program adding significant profits to the business that he owns, but does not see patients in.

“From SKEPTICAL (About Paul!)... To $1.7M Cash Pay Clinic”

Jonathan Ruzicka is a PT from Woodlands, Houston, TX. Jonathan called me at the very start of his PT owner journey. He admitted he (and his wife!) were quite SKEPTICAL about me at first. But he knew that he didn’t have the marketing expertise to grow his clinic on his own. Jonathan was determined to grow his practice to $1M and despite opening a new location just before COVID, fast forward to today, Jonathan’s clinic is making $1.7M in CASH PAY revenue.

Best, Jonathan spends little if any time treating patients as the TEAM of therapists and personal trainers, he employs do that for him. Jonathan has achieved the ultimate in business: High PROFIT and TIME freedom.

“More Money AND More Free Time…” The Best Part Of All Of This?...

What should not be overlooked is that each one of these PTs in the picture has removed themselves from the day-to-day treating of patients.

It means they have a wonderful SALARY, and high take-home PROFIT, but also the TIME freedom and FLEXIBILITY that so many clinic owners crave.

These owners didn’t start out as Million Dollar Cash Practice Owners – no, they got their one MONTH at a time. Implementing ONE strategy at a time.

Whether that was discovering how to keep people on schedule, charge and increase fees appropriately, adding high value ancillary services, mastering Google, automating free leads, dominating social media, or making BIG money from small group workshops (all to be covered in the program), these owners created their DREAM PRACTICE one month, and one strategy at a time.

It’s why I can confidently tell YOU that YOU are just ONE MONTH away from something very special – and if you’re looking for a way to make it happen FASTER, with more PROBABILITY, resulting in more PROFIT, this is the Program for you and I am the person you are looking for to guide you (and celebrate with you).

I’ve generated MILLIONS from running my own cash pay clinic (the Paul Gough Physio Rooms) that I started from the ground up and built to FOUR locations, in the UK, a country with FREE socialist healthcare, and I’ve helped many others, in multiple different countries (Including: UK, Canada, Bermuda, Bahamas, Ireland, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Abu Dabi, Bahrain, and more), to do the same.


From $595/Month

From $385/Month

“Get New Patients Fast, And Get Them Free”

Here’s 10 Things That Will Happen To You When Join “Your Best Month Ever”

  1. Your SCHEDULE WILL FINALLY BE FULL! You will have more than enough new patients to fill up your schedule
  2. You will discover the FREE and EASY TO IMPLEMENT marketing strategies perfect for clinic owners with little if any marketing dollars / budget
  3. You will grow a successful clinic that DOES NOT rely upon referrals from doctors (or insurance)
  4. You will get the confidence (and the strategy) to charge appropriately, raise rates regularly, and be confident in telling all your patients that you’re worth more than you’re currently charging
  5. You will get new patients FAST – even if no-one currently knows who you are
  6. You will ACHIEVE YOUR Best Month Ever, making more money, enjoying more free time…
  7. Your online, Google, and website frustrations will be over, and you will finally know what it is like to receive a regular, 24/7 stream of inquiries from the internet
  8. You will learn the very latest Internet Marketing skills – including how to dominate Google and Facebook, as well as how to turn your Social Media into a 24/7 lead-generator for your business
  9. You will be PROUD to tell patients (and doctors) that you’re a “CASH ONLY” PT
  10. New patients from INSTAGRAM will finally become a reality for you…
And, as well as all of that, you will feel amazing knowing that your business is finally starting to GROW and that you CAN make a success of your private practice. Which is what you want, right?

So, Who Is “Your Best Month Ever” For?

If you’re just getting started, your income has flatlined, or you’re looking to ACCELERATE an already fast-growing practice, then this program is perfect for you. Whether you’re earning $3K per month, trying to get to $10K in CASH PAY, or you’re already at $10K, trying to get to $20K, this for you.

It’s perfect for any clinic owner – new or old – with HONEST AMBITION to grow, find more success, and make more money. Including:

    If you are just starting a new PT Business – especially a “cash based” or “hybrid” one – then this Marketing Mastery course is ESSENTIAL for you. Not only will you discover how to avoid the costly mistakes that lose many start-up businesses a fortune in wasted marketing efforts, but you’ll also be launching your new physical therapy business with the most powerful, proven and effective marketing strategies that the PT industry has ever seen.
    As a cash pay clinic owner it’s tempting to think (…or worry!) that no one will ever pay your cash fees or think that no one will come to you because you’re cash. I get it. But you’ll be pleased to hear that we’ve had HUNDREDS of cash pay clinic owners follow my coaching, and many are now bringing in new patients at will (using the strategies we will teach you) and are making $100’s per visit MORE – even in the poorest parts of the country.
    Most Insurance businesses KNOW they need to be more profitable… and to do that you need to bring in more CASH PAY patients. They pay a lot more than the crappy insurance companies ever do. The program is a great first step towards safely and sensibly moving into a model that brings in more high value cash pay patients – and without risking losing what you’ve already got.

And it’s 100% for YOU IF:

  • You are frustrated at NOT knowing how to attract the CASH PAY clients you want…
  • You have LITTLE, if ANY, budget for marketing and want to know others ways to make money (than spending on Ads)
  • No matter how many times you post on social media, you’re simply not getting enough new patients or inquiries
  • You want to grow your clinic without needing referrals from Doctors or Physicians
  • You do get inquiries – but are constantly getting “push-back” as soon as the “cash-pay” conversation comes up…
  • You are skilled enough to help more people – but no-one knows who you are right now…
  • You are fed up with hearing “I’ll think about it” – when the cash-pay conversation comes up!
  • You are sick of working for LESS than you are worth because you don’t have the confidence to ‘raise your rates’ or drop insurance companies…
  • You are angry at being ‘BATTERED’ by insurance companies and the pittance they pay you…
  • You want to transition to “Out-Of-Network” – but are worried about losing patients if you do (especially in the current post-COVID climate)
  • Your take home pay is LESS than $10K per month, and you want to get above that number CONSISTENTLY, month on month…
  • You LOVE the idea of building a $1M DREAM PRACTICE…


From $595/Month

From $385/Month

How Certain Am I That Program Will Deliver The Goods?

Here’s My DOUBLE Safety Net Guarantee…

There’s TWO guarantees with this class:

It means “Your Best Month Ever” is 100% risk free for you to join.

Here’s how my Personal Profitability Guarantee works.

Take action today and join the “Your Best Month Ever” program… and if by the end of the second week you don’t think that Y.B.M.E will get you the 2 extra patients you’ll need to cover your investment… I’ll gladly refund your money.

All you need is just “2” new patients to cover your investment in this program, and in fact, with just 1 or 2 of these tactics, you could get 100X your investment back and more!

So, in reality, this course doesn’t “cost” anything. It’s essentially FREE… it’s an investment in your future wealth and prosperity.

The second guarantee I will make is this:

We promise to work with you until you ACHIEVE “Your Best Month Ever”.

This is very powerful and means you cannot fail.

If you get to the end of the program, as long you can honestly tell me that you’ve implement everything, and you haven’t had you BEST MONTH EVER, OR, if a life event got in the way (meaning you couldn’t), you can stay in the program until you DO!

It means if you’re committed, but something is getting in the way, we’ll provide the extra support and coaching to make sure that you DO achieve what the program promises.

How About Some VERY Valuable Free Bonuses For Joining Today?


When you secure your seat in “Your Best Month Ever” you’ll be given x 2 Free Tickets to come along as my VIP guest and experience the amazing marketing super conference that is “Private Practice Marketer LIVE”.

It takes place in London in June, or you can attend in Orlando, in October. This is the BIG community event of the year where we celebrate and showcase your success to everyone else in the Plant Paul community and this marketing event has featured some incredible speakers such as Marcus Lemonis (The Profit), Daymond John (Shark Tank), and Dan Kennedy (The Worlds #1 Marketer)

Marcus Lemonis (Star of The Profit)
Daymond John (Star of Shark Tank)
Dan Kennedy (World's No. 1 Marketer)


This is a Dropbox file LOADED with an entire month’s worth of pre-written social media, emails, blog posts, and Google My Business updates that you can copy and paste to immediately BOOST your online leads.

The content pack is updated every month, relevant for the upcoming month, meaning you have a full month of viral content to post on your social media (perfect for when we get to Module 5) ready to use TONIGHT.


Get THREE Months Additional Marketing Training And Support In My “Practice Scale” Mastermind Coaching Program (Value $3600) – For Free

To ensure your success happens faster, you’ll also receive three months FREE access to my Group Mastermind Coaching Program.

This is a $13,000 Annual subscription program where you can join in additional weekly live event training calls, attend Monthly Marketing Masterclass seminars, access the support community, get accountability and network with other likeminded PTs – all using the same strategies for marketing glory as you.


Plus, Get Three Months FREE SUBSCRIPTION of Planet Paul Marketing Newsletter… this is a 32-page physical publication, and shares what’s working NOW in marketing, as well as showcasing what the best of the best in Paul Gough’s community are doing to market their practice. Get your first copy digitally when you enroll.


From $595/Month

From $385/Month

"Who Is Paul Gough?"

Paul Gough is the world’s leading authority on physical therapy marketing. Paul has a 10+ year history of helping 500+ clients to start and grow their PT business.

Many of his clients started with ZERO and are now running multi-million-dollar PT practices that are not beholden to insurance.
Paul started his own practice in 2007 in the UK, a country with free socialist medicine, and despite the obvious challenge of fighting against FREE, was able to grow and scale a 4 location, 7 Figure, mostly CASH PAY practice that still runs and grows to this very day.

He is the author of 6 best-selling books on physical therapy business success and has hosted some of the professions biggest ever marketing conferences, with the likes of Daymond John (Shark Tank), Marcus Lemonis (the Profit), and Kevin O’Leary (Shark Tank) appearing on his stage.

Paul sits at the leading edge of entrepreneurial and online marketing success strategies for physical therapist and if this is your first event with Paul, you are in for a REAL treat.

“Let’s Make Next Month The Month You Made More Money, And Grew Your PT Business FASTER, Than Ever Before…”

Well done for reading this far. If you’re here, reading this, you’re obviously very interested and if you’re someone still on the fence?

Here’s the final thing I can add to help you decide: the reality is that for anyone reading this, and actively trying to grow a PT business, you will need just TWO additional patients to cover your investment to be part of this spectacular program.

I know it’s tempting to say, “I’m not ready”, or “I don’t have the time” or worse, “I don’t have the money” and use those sorts of excuses to shy away from enrolling and potentially changing your life. But candidly, none of that matters.

Not if you are serious about GROWTH and making REAL money from your business for your FAMILY and future generations.

If you are “poor” right now, in terms of time and money, there’s a REASON that is happening and if it’s not fixed, then nothing will change.

Being part of this is program is going to fix it all for you.

NOW is the time.

Do not let another year pass you by where you FAIL to make the money you promised yourself you would. If now is a not a good time to get a little richer, when is?…

Knowing that everything we will cover is tried and tested, is currently being used by MILLION DOLLAR cash pay clinic owners, in a town or city just like yours, there’s no reason to think this won’t work for you. It will. It does. So join and experience for yourself.

What we’re talking about is as simple as TWO additional patients that you otherwise would not have got and everything else you make is 100% profit, with a likely return in the 1000% range. No hype.

It’s NOT possible for you not to generate enough to cover the cost of the program.

NOT enrolling is your biggest risk and will likely be your biggest mistake this year.

With that in mind, go ahead and enroll NOW and I’ll see you in the program.

I look forward to working closely with you, and personally helping you achieve YOUR DREAM practice starting with your BEST MONTH EVER that will happen in the next 30 days.

Dedicated to your success,

P.S If you’re looking down here, maybe you got questions about enrolling?

Here are the FAQ’s: 

What will happen when you enroll in “YBME”...
Within 90 days you are guaranteed to achieve your BEST MONTH EVER. 
As long as you can honestly tell us that you’re doing everything we tell you, we’ll work with you until you DO! We don’t give up on you until you HIT your best month ever. We want to see you at the WINNERS table in Orlando and if LIFE GETS in the way, and you need more time, you can stay with the program until you do.  
You will be given a unique login line to join the meeting that will be sent to you via email just before the class starts (and all replays will be stored in the membership area). 
No more than 20 people
If you’re NEW, and just getting started with direct to public marketing, your clinic has been open for two years or more, but growth has stalled, OR, you’re an established insurance owner but are STARTING to market for CASH PAY clients, this is for you.  
Good job you enrolled! You do not want to get left behind… you will be given the same coaching; it’s then up to YOU how well you implement. That’s what will always make the difference to your income and success.
Because like any good challenge, when you complete the challenge, you win a prize. That being a seat at the WINNERS TABLE at the 2-Day Mastermind Event in Orlando. 
Every Tuesday at 1pm EST (6pm UK) and they last for 90 minutes (all recordings are in the exclusive members area that you have access to for LIFE).  
No. Because all of the material is accessed via a private area membership website, you can choose how fast you complete the modules. We do try to hold you accountable to implement stuff each week – but ultimately, you decide how much you can do according to the schedule you have. 
Yes. If you’re new (less than 12 months old) this is perfect for you. We’ve had previous students who hadn’t even opened the doors at their clinic yet, but were preparing for it and wanted a kick start! 
Yes – especially if you want to move away from relying upon doctors for referrals. We usually find that out students are split equally between in-network, cash and hybrid owners. 
You can ask them in the SKOOL online community, and Paul will answer them for you instantly. 
Yes. You can have one key member of your team join the program with you free of charge. 


From $595/Month

From $385/Month